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Suchergebnis für gwr
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geschützter Bezirk ≠ zu gwr 'Partner, Teilhaber; Schutzherr; Schutzbefohlener, Schützling'
Ältere Übersetzung
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temenos, sacred territory
Maraqten 2015, 110
Altsüdarabische Parallelen
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Keine Parallelen gefunden.
Etymologische Hinweise
AufklappenSchriftart vergrößern
ǧār (Wz. ǧwr) "A stranger [who has become one's neighbour]. - A person whom one protects from wrongful, unjust, injurious, or tyrannical, treatment. - One who seeks, or asks, protection of another ǧāruka signifying he who seeks thy protection. - A protector; one who protects another from that which he fears; one who grants refuge, or protects, or preserves. (...) An aider, or - A confederate. (...) A partner, or sharer, in immoveable property, such as land and houses, and in merchandise, whether he divide the property with the other or not, or whether he be partner in the whole or only in part. - One who divides with another." Lane II / 483
gor (Wz. gwr) "neighbor, neighborhood, vicinity; in Job 20:26 gor is used to translate 'stranger'" Leslau 1991 207
gōr (Wz. gwr) "neighbour" Johnstone 1977 42
gār (Wz. gwr) "sich als Fremder niederlassen bzw. als solcher wohnen" Gesenius 18 207