Zitierform sabaweb.uni-jena.de [Zugriff am 13.11.2024]
Suchergebnis für mḥlw
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Gefäß für wohlriechende oder -schmeckende Substanzen ≠ rundes Gefäß ≠ Gabe
Ältere Übersetzung
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aroma vessel (?)
Müller 2015, 6
désigne donc vraisemblablement un récipient qui devait contenir des offrandes dont la nature est difficile à déterminer; récipient à offrandes
Gajda 2016, 114
Bron 2014a, 212
Altsüdarabische Parallelen
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Keine Parallelen gefunden.
Etymologische Hinweise
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allgemeine Hinweise
mḥlw (Wz. ḥlw) "The noun provided with the prefix m- marks (...) a nomen vasis or a noun denoting a vessel which may contain anything. As in the case of Arabic ḥaluwa 'to be sweet, pleasant' and ḥulw 'sweet, pleasant', Sabaic mḥlwn is based on the root ḥlw which is also attested in Mishnaic Hebrew and in Aramaic, where Imperial Aramaic ḥlh 'to be sweet' still points to the original form of the root ḥlw. It would certainly be wrong to consider mḥlwn in view of Arabic ḥalwā, ḥalāwa 'sweets' as a vessel for sweets, since after all, there existed hardly any sweet things in antiquity. Perhaps a mḥlwn is a vessel in which fragrant ingredients like aromatic substances or incense was kept." Müller 2015 11 - 12
ḥalan (Wz. ḥlw) "A medicine mixed, or moistened, with water or the like" Lane II / 634
ḥilw (Wz. ḥlw) "A small ḥaff with wich one weaves: or the wooden thing which the weaver turns round [app. meaning the yarn-beam, upon which the yarn is rolled; termed ḥaffa]" Lane II / 634