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Suchergebnis für tḥyt
Belege inTexten
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Ältere Übersetzung
AufklappenSchriftart vergrößern
Maraqten 2003, 279
Maraqten 2014d, 395
Stein 2010, 725; Stein 2015, 86
Stein/Rijziger 2021, 331
Altsüdarabische Parallelen
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Keine Parallelen gefunden.
Etymologische Hinweise
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taḥīya (Wz. ḥyy) "A salutation, or greeting, pronounced by one person to another on their meeting (...) Also Continuance, or endurance; or endless, or everlasting, exitence: (...) And Dominion, or kingship: because the people of the Time of Ignorance used to greet kings [or rather those of Ḥimyer] by the saying 'ʾabayta l-laʿna', which they addressed to none other than a king; so that when any one of them became a king, it was said of him, fulānun nāla t-taḥīyata [meaning Such a one has
attained the kingship]. (...) at-taḥīyāṭu li-llāhi means Endless existence belongs to God: or
dominion, or kingship: or freedom, or security, from all evils, and from all
causes of the cessation of existence: or endless existence, and security from evils, and dominion, and the like: or the expressions [of praise] that indicate and imply the ascription of dominion and endless existence: or salutations and benedictions are Gods, and at his disposal." Lane II / 682-683