Suchergebnis für hgr f
- "Comme le terme 'bourgade' (welcher von C. Robin übernommen ist, A.M.) introduit déja une idée de hiérarchie urbaine, nous parlerons plus volontiers d'un 'site d'habitat aggloméré, fortifié, de dimensions variables'."
- Schiettecatte 2011, 38
- citadins
- Ryckmans 1968, 8; Robin 2014, 187
- cité
- Jamme 1958-1959, 162; Robin 1979, 185; Robin/Bron 1979, 138; Robin/Bâfaqîh 1980, 87; Breton 1994, 152; Frantsouzoff 2016, 122; Bāfaqīh 1986, 186; Robin 1985, 316
- città
- Conti Rossini 1929-1930, 114; Garbini 1971, 305; Garbini 1973b, 434; Prioletta 2002, 340; Avanzini 1985, 112; Garbini 1985, 314
- cittadella
- Mazzini 2012b, 233
- city
- Beeston 1937a, 84; Smith 1954, 439; Jamme 1956a, 148; Jamme 1962, 432; Drewes 1979, 103; Halloun 1987, 178; Korotayev 1994c, 75; Kitchen 1995, 76; Korotayev 1996, 15; Mazzini 2005, 97; Maraqten 2006, 62; Maraqten 2008, 236; Prioletta 2013, 117; Müller 2015, 9; Avanzini 2016, 59; Rijziger 2016, 16; Nuʿmān/Prioletta 2022, 225 Fn. 18; Rossi 2022, 345; Daum/al-Iryānī 2021, 203; Jamme 1955g, 507; Lundin 1987, 51; Robin 2010b, 372; Robin 2015c, 111
- 'city', in the sense similar to taht of polis
- Korotayev 1994, 47 mit Fn. 13
- deux groupes de citadins
- Ryckmans 1947, 168
- Gegend, Bezirk oder ähnlich (?)
- Praetorius 1896, 144
- les "Deux Villes", Nashqum et Nashshan
- Robin 2004, 120
- metropolis
- CIH I, 315
- oppidum
- CIH I, 383; CIH III, 95
- paese
- Conti Rossini 1929-1930, 115
- pays bâti
- Ryckmans 1975, 209
- settled territory
- Biella 1982, 104
- Stadt
- Hartmann 1909, 366; Rhodokanakis 1917, 22; Praetorius 1874, 5; Mordtmann/Müller 1883, 22; Müller 1886, 840; Mordtmann 1893, 6; Praetorius 1895, 22; Müller 1899, 5; Glaser 1905, 20; Nielsen 1906, 269; Rhodokanakis 1915a, 18; Mlaker 1927, 63; Rhodokanakis 1929, 94; Grimme 1932a, 228; Mordtmann/Mittwoch 1932, 29; Höfner 1933, 13; Höfner 1935, 38; Höfner/Rhodokanakis 1936, 218; Mittwoch/Schlobies 1936, 292; Mittwoch/Schlobies 1937, 92; Rhodokanakis 1938, 72; Mlaker 1943, 57; Höfner 1953, 152; Schaffer 1972, 33; Müller 1980, 64; Nebes 1995, 23 Bsp. 7; Jemen 1998, 92; Sima 2000, 13 - 14 Bsp. 21; Stein 2003, 68, 71; Multhoff/Stein 2008, 33; Müller 2010, 164; Stein 2010, 724; Al-Salami 2011, 54; Stein/Weninger 2024, 92; Multhoff 2011, 354; Nebes 1987, 78; Preißler 2009, 307; Robin 2016, 309 Fn. 27
- stadt
- Winckler 1897, 18
- 'Stadt', d.h. eine von Mauern umgebene Siedlung
- Müller 1983, 279
- Stadt. Die Form hgrnhn die beiden Städte wird synonym für die benachbarten Städte NŠQM und NŠN gebraucht.
- Stein 2012, 78
- Städte im Talgelände, wo auch die Straßen und Wasserbette laufen; diese mögen aus befestigten Niederlassungen hervorgegangen sein und sich später Markt und Karawanserail, Tempel usw. beigelegt haben
- Rhodokanakis 1929, 103
- territoire sédentaire
- Ryckmans 1974, 245
- the main type of the ancient South Arabian settlements, it cannot be rendered either as 'a city', or 'a village', as it was a type of undifferentiated settlement, communal centre, quite characteri[s]tic for many archaic societies
- Korotayev 1995, 70 Fn. 19
- town
- Philby/Tritton 1944, 127; al-ʾIryānī/Garbini 1970, 406; Beeston 1976a, 29; SD, 56; Ghūl 1993, 298; Ghūl 1993, 58; Kitchen 1995, 76; Korotayev 1995, 24 Fn. 14; Kropp 1998, 173; Drewes 2001a, 112; Stein 2003a, 269; Mazzini 2004a, 188; Arbach/Audouin 2007, 36; Frantsouzoff 2009a, 159 Fn. 5; Prioletta 2013, 209; Hatke 2015, 97 Fn. 58; Avanzini 2016, 214; al-Ḥājj 2021, 390; Rossi 2022, 137; Agostini 2023, 144 Bsp. 16; Arbach et al. 2021, 79; Maraqten 2017, 126; SD, 56
- town, city
- Arbach/Rossi 2022, 51
- town, city - administrative center of a šʿb (group of clans)
- Biella 1982, 104
- town; [t]he primary function of the hagar would (...) come under the heading of 'administrative centre'
- Beeston 1971, 27
- townsfolk
- Beeston 1976a, 65; SD, 56; SD, 56
- townships
- Beeston 1976a, 40; Beeston 1986u, 5
- urbs
- CIH I, 167; Guidi 1926, 21; CIH III, 66
- urbs magna
- CIH I, 12
- urbs, civitas, regio
- Conti Rossini 1931, 131
- ville
- Derenbourg 1899, 4; Conti Rossini 1921, 11; Jaussen 1926, 577; Cantineau 1927, 144; Ryckmans 1927, 168; Ryckmans 1935, 167; Jamme 1947, 102; Ryckmans 1951b, 72; Ryckmans 1952, 63; Ryckmans 1956c, 146; Loundine 1973, 182; Ryckmans 1974, 247; Pirenne 1977c, 92; Robin 1977, 159; Robin/Ryckmans 1978, 46; SD français, 56; Bāfaqīh 1990, 63; Robin/Gajda 1994, 119; Calvet/Robin 1997, 163; Arbach/Schiettecatte 2006, 29; Bron/Lemaire 2009, 13; Gajda 2009, 131; Prioletta/Arbach 2016a, 923; Bron 1977, 60; Bron/Gajda 2005, 116; Gajda 2014, 65; Nuʿmān 2023, 41; Pirenne 1971, 134; Pirenne 1982, 83; Robin 1994a, 231; Robin 2012, 33; Schiettecatte 2009a, 260 Fn. 54
- ville, bourg
madīna 'Stadt'
Maraqten 2014c 105
Robin/Arbach 2013 124
Agostini 2023 145 Bsp. 18; Avanzini 2004 110; Avanzini 2015 14 Fn. 10; CSAI 163; Jamme 1972 64; Mazzini 2020 388; Prioletta 2013a 115
Höfner 1935 32; Multhoff 2011 360; Rhodokanakis 1922 42; Sima 2000 292 Bsp. 24
Beeston 1962 51; Beeston 1988 14; Beeston/Pirenne 1986a 167; Jamme 1981 98; Ricks 1989 45
Honeyman 1962 41
Arbach et al. 2001 49; Breton 1994 120; Frantsouzoff 2019 53; Jamme 1971 92; Pirenne 1966 79; Pirenne 1977d 182; Pirenne 1981 222; Prioletta/Arbach 2015a 260; Robin 1992 74; Robin/Antonini de Maigret 2017 7; Ryckmans 1949 80; Ryckmans 1951a 126
Robin 1991a 72
Agostini 2021c 155; Avanzini 1995 133; Conti Rossini 1929-1930 119; Gnoli 1993 103
Avanzini 2016 38; Beeston 1953a 200; Jamme 1955g 509; Robin 2015c 100; Rossi 2022 341; Sørensen/Geus 2020 148
Grimme 1932a 245; Hartmann 1907a 20; Höfner 1936 78; Hommel 1893 128; Müller 1982b 133; Müller 1985 665; Praetorius 1874 45; Rhodokanakis 1917 55; Stein 2010 231; Stein 2023 484; v. Wissmann 1982 363; Weber 1901 33
Agostini 2011 49; Beeston 1953 115; Rossi 2022 269; Ryckmans 1958b 230
town, city
Arbach/Rossi 2022 51
Arbach 1993 40; Arbach/Schiettecatte 2006 38; Bron 1991a 39; Bron 1998 38; de Maigret/Robin 1993 482; Pirenne 1956 260; RES V 264; RES VI 97; Robin 1979a 103; Robin 1994b 290; Ryckmans 1952 12
bny w-hgr 'build as a town'
Jamme 1979 83
Robin/Frantsouzoff 1999 156
Avanzini 2002 130; Beeston 1939 451; Beeston 1948 190; Jamme 1955g 512; Jamme 1956a 151; Jamme 1963 39; Jamme 1979 94; Maraqten 1996 92
make ON a city
Avanzini 2002 133
Pirenne 1975 89
Jändl 2009 115; Jemen 1998 304; Müller 1977a 53; Saba 1999 302
to obtain civic status for
Beeston 1976b 41
Avanzini 2002 129 Fn. 9; Beeston 1975 194; Beeston 1976b 41; Pirenne 1975 82; Prioletta 2013b 100 Fn. 44
Avanzini 2014 503; Jamme 1947 116; Pirenne 1990 112; Robin 2000 137; Ryckmans 1944 160; Ryckmans 1951b 114 Fn. 12
zur Stadt machen
Müller 1977a 56
Pir Baynūn 3/2, A-10-239/1, ʿAbdallāh 1986/9, MB 2004 I-126/16, MB 2004 I-126/17, MB 2004 I-126/18, MB 2004 I-126/19, MB 2004 I-126/29, al-Ḏafīf 7/17, al-Ḏafīf 7/21, Sh 34/8, al-Jawf 04.15/3, al-Jawf 04.15/13, al-Miʿsāl 4/2, al-Miʿsāl 4/3, al-Miʿsāl 4/5, al-Miʿsāl 4/6, al-Miʿsāl 4/7, al-Miʿsāl 4/8, al-Miʿsāl 5/3, al-Miʿsāl 5/19, al-Qaylī-Maḥram Bilqīs 1/4, al-Qaylī-Rayda 1/2, al-Qaylī-Rayda 1/3, al-Širʿī al-Karāʿ 1/3, al-ʾUḫdūd 14/2, Arbach al-Ḥalabī-Ḥadda 1/6f., Bāfaqīh-Bāṭāyiʿ 8/4, BR-M. Bayḥān 1/10f., BR-M. Bayḥān 3/12, BynM 1/7, CIH 102/4, CIH 19/3, CIH 19/5, CIH 195/5, CIH 224/3', CIH 256/4, CIH 290/8, CIH 291/2, CIH 292/1, CIH 292/3, CIH 308/8, CIH 308 bis/8, CIH 314 + 954/14, CIH 323/1', CIH 334/18', Gl 1209/13, CIH 340/4, CIH 346/2, CIH 347/3, CIH 347/7f., CIH 349/3, CIH 350/1', CIH 353/6, CIH 375/2, CIH 389/3f., CIH 397/11f., CIH 405/3, CIH 407/10, CIH 411/6, CIH 506 /3', CIH 516/10, CIH 518 /2, CIH 541/65, CIH 541/73, CIH 541/80f., CIH 546/2, CIH 550/12, CIH 550/16, CIH 601/13, CIH 609/3, CIH 609/4, CIH 610/2, CIH 616/1, CIH 918/4, CIH 95/1', MB 2004 I-118/6, MB 2004 I-45/3, MB 2004 I-45/7, DAI Barʾān 2000-1/10, DAI Ğabal al-ʿAwd 3/4, DAI Ğabal al-ʿAwd 3/11f., DAI Ṣirwāḥ 2002-11/7, DAI Ṣirwāḥ 2002-11/9, Dār al-Šukr 1/2, DJE 13/2, Fa 102/4, Fa 3/5, Fa 3/8, Fa 75/3, Fa 75 bis /3, Fa 76/7, FB-al-Bayḍāʾ 1/3, Gar AY 4/4, Gar AY 6/4, Gar ISA 3/3, Gar ISA 3/4, Gl 1142/4, Gl 1142/6, Gl 1226/3, Gl 1365/11, Gl 1441/2, Gl A 452/2, Gl A 452/4, Gr 185/3, Ḥāǧǧ-al-Ṭaffa 1/3, Ḥāǧǧ-Kāniṭ 1/4, Ḥāǧǧ-Nāʿiṭ 1/2, Ḥāǧǧ-Nāʿiṭ 2/A.5, Ir 13/§1, Ir 13/6', Ir 13/10', Ir 13/15', Ir 13/32', Ir 13/36', Ir 19/24, Ir 32/18, Ir 32/19f., Ir 32/21, Ir 32/41, Ir 35/2'f., Ir 37/11, Ir 37/14, Ir 37/16, Ir 6/9, Ir 69/15, Ir 70/4, Ja 2109/7, Ja 2113/7, Ja 2115/2, Ja 2223/3, Ja 2851/3', Ja 2867/5, Ja 2871/4, Ja 3199/5, Ja 516/4, Ja 555/3, Ja 560/11, Ja 560/14, Ja 564/9, Ja 564/12, Ja 572/7, Ja 574/10, Ja 574/11, Ja 575/3, Ja 576+577, a/2, Ja 576+577, a/3, Ja 576+577, a/4, Ja 576+577, a/5, Ja 576+577, a/6, Ja 576+577, a/7, Ja 576+577, a/8, Ja 576+577, a/9, Ja 576+577, a/10, Ja 576+577, a/11, Ja 576+577, a/12, Ja 576+577, a/13, Ja 576+577, a/14, Ja 576+577, a/15, Ja 576+577, b/1, Ja 576+577, b/2, Ja 576+577, b/3, Ja 576+577, b/6, Ja 576+577, b/8, Ja 576+577, b/10, Ja 576+577, b/11, Ja 576+577, b/13, Ja 576+577, b/17, Ja 578/26, Ja 578/28, Ja 585/5, Ja 585/7, Ja 585/11, Ja 613/9, Ja 615/4, Ja 616 + 622/16f., Ja 616 + 622/18, Ja 619/3, Ja 619/9, Ja 619/13, Ja 629/10, Ja 629/23, Ja 629/27, Ja 629/30, Ja 629/31, Ja 629/35f., Ja 629/38, Ja 631/19, Ja 631/20, Ja 631/21f., Ja 631/22, Ja 631/23, Ja 631/25, Ja 631/28, Ja 632/3, Ja 634/4, Ja 635/23, Ja 635/25, Ja 635/28, Ja 636/1', Ja 636/7', Ja 637/4, Ja 640 /2', Ja 643/7, Ja 643/9, Ja 643/10, Ja 643/18, Ja 643/19, Ja 643/20, Ja 643/21, Ja 643/28, Ja 643/29, Ja 643/30, Ja 643/31, Ja 643/33, Ja 643/35, Ja 643 bis /10', Ja 644/7, Ja 644/16, Ja 644/22, Ja 651/17f., Ja 651/16f., Ja 651/31, Ja 658/12, Ja 660/13f., Ja 660/19, Ja 661/5, Ja 662/13, Ja 667 A/8f., Ja 727/3f., Ja 735/1, Jabal Kanin 2017-1/12, Kāniṭ 1-9/2f., Kh-Dadaih-Yafāʿa 2/5, Kh-Ḍāf 1/2, Kh-Ḍāf 1/3, Kh-Ḥammat aḍ-Ḍabʿ 10/3, Kh-Ḥammat aḍ-Ḍabʿ 17/2, Kh-Ḥammat aḍ-Ḍabʿ 7/3, Kh-Sayyah 3/2f., Kh-ʾUmayma 1/4, M.A. Thabit 145 MB/11, M.A. Thabit 94 MB/11, M.A.Thabit 86 MB/16, M.A.Thabit 86 MB/21, MAFRAY al-Bayḍāʾ 100/13f., MAFRAY-Abū Ṯawr 2/1, MAFRAY-Abū Ṯawr 3/1, MAFRAY-al-Ḥijla 1/2, MAFRAY-al-Miʿsāl 2/10, MAFRAY-Ḥaṣī 9/5, MAFRAY-Quṭra 1/1, MAFRAY-Quṭra 1/4, MAFRAY-Quṭra 1/5, MAFRAY-Sāriʿ 6/4, MAFY-Bayt Kulāb 1/2, MAFY-Ḥamida 2/3, MAFY-Ḥamida 4/2, MAFY-Ḫarāb-al-Ḥawḍ 1/2, MAFY-Ḫaywān 1/2, MAFY-Yašīʿ 8/4, Marib-Sanʿaw 1/3, Maṣnaʿat Māriya/9'f., MB 2002 I-28/11, MB 2002 I-28/21, MB 2004 I-17/5, MB 2004 I-17/10, MB 2005 I-31/6, MB 2005 I-44/8, MB 2005 I-44/10, MB 2005 I-62/2, MB 2006 I-54/9, Muhtimm-Mārib 9/3, Moussaieff 13/3, Moussaieff 13/5, MQ-Qawʿa am-Sirr 1/2, MṢM 183/3, MṢM 4341/1, Na Maḥram Bilqīs 1/15, Na Maḥram Bilqīs 1/18, Na Maḥram Bilqīs 1/37, Nāmī 20/5, Nāmī 49/1, NNAG 5/8, MQ al-Dawmar 1/8, Ph 135 a/2, Ra 69/1, RES 3910/2, RES 3945/16, RES 3946/5, RES 3951/4, RES 3991/8, RES 4137/15', RES 4138/8, RES 4193/7, RES 4198/5, RES 4230/7, RES 4233/11, RES 4663/3f., RES 4677/3, RES 4923/5, RES 4988/1', Robin 1/6, Robin-al-Mašāmayn 1/2, Robin-Kāniṭ 7/6, Robin-Kāniṭ 9/3, Robin-Radāʿ 1/5, Ry 533 /5', Ry 533 /8', Ṣa-Maḥram Bilqīs 1/8, Sh 18/20, Schm/Mārib 28+Ja 668, a/6', Schm/Sir 109/5, Schm/Sir 109/18, Schm/Sir 92/A.4, Schm/Sir 92/A.5, Sh 17/6, Sh 19/4, Sh 19/11, Sh 19/13, Sh 31/16, Sh Yemen 36 u./2, Sharʿabī-as-Sawā 1/3, Shibʿanu-Nashq 1/4, Shibʿanu-Nashq 1/16, Sirrīyah 1/3, ST 1/9, ST 1/12, ST 1/18, UH al-Masār 66 no. 2/1, UH al-Masār 66 no. 2/6, UH Dar al-Sharif 6/1, Ja 1093/2, YM 28805/7, YM 324/1, YM 324/2, YM 350/2f., YMN 10/3, YMN 11/2, YMN 13/9, ZI 11/2, ZI 78/4, ZM 2263 + ZM 2262 + ZM 2264/4
A-20-801/5, CIH 373/1, CIH 396/5', Ja 812/4, Nāmī 47/2, Ry 533 /3', ZM 2263 + ZM 2262 + ZM 2264/2 ]hgrnAv. Aqmar 1/3, Bāfaqīh-Bāṭāyiʿ 11/3, CIH 212/1, CIH 289/17, CIH 314 + 954/13, CIH 353/8, Gr 119/2, Ja 2109/4, Kāniṭ Museum 7/2, Ṭayrān 2009/11, RES 4730/2 hg[r]nAv. Aqmar 1/7, RES 3946/2, RES 4193/4f., X.BSB 68/3
st.det. h[grn h[g]rn h[grn hg]rnCIH 438+431/1', Gr 1/2, Ḥāǧǧ-Nāʿiṭ 3/5f. hg[rnCIH 500 + CIH 364/1', Kāniṭ Museum 9/5 ʾhgrn hgrnhnCIH 609/1, FB-al-Bayḍāʾ 1/9, FB-al-Bayḍāʾ 1/19, Ja 576+577, a/4, Ja 576+577, a/8, Ja 576+577, a/14, Ja 576+577, b/2, Ja 578/20, Ja 643/22, Ja 643/23, Ja 643/25, Ja 643/26, Ja 665/20, Na Maḥram Bilqīs 1/27f., Sh 18/20 hgr[nCIH 645 (= RES 3218 )/6', Ja 730/2f., RES 4148/8', ST 1/6 ]hgrnhn h[g]rnhn h]grnGr 1/4, Ẓafār Iz10~003/5, ZM 578/2? [hg]r[n] hgrn h[gr]n h[grn] [h]grnJa 822/5, Robin-Kāniṭ 6/10, YM 12982/4'f. hgr﹖[n﹖ hgrnn hgrynhnNa Maḥram Bilqīs 1/28, Na Maḥram Bilqīs 1/33, Nāmī 76/2 h]g[r]n hg]rn[ [hg]rn hg﹖r﹖[n﹖ hgrmal-Ḥāyir-Ḥaǧǧa 2021/3, CIH 37/3, CIH 603/B.13, Fa 3/8, Ja 2918 g/4? , Ja 2920 a/4? , Ja 2928 c/4f.? , Ja 2930/2, Ja 2945/2? , Ja 2948 a/2? , Ja 576+577, b/14 ]hgrm hgryn[st.indet. hgrm ʾhgrm hgrm ʾhgrMB 2004 I-126/17, B-L Nashq/14, CIH 363/1, CIH 363/2, DAI Ṣirwāḥ 2005-50/2, RES 3607/3, RES 3943/3', RES 3945/3, RES 3945/4, RES 3945/7, RES 3945/10, RES 3945/15, RES 3945/18, RES 3945/19, RES 3946/1? , Robin-Bron/Banī Bakr 1/5
al-Ḏafīf 7/22, CIH 131/5'? , CIH 308 bis/20? , Ir 32/37, Ja 2107/11, Ja 615/11, Ja 629/30, Schm/Mārib 28+Ja 668, b/10', M.A.Thabit 86 MB/14, Na Maḥram Bilqīs 1/20, Na Maḥram Bilqīs 1/37 hgrʾst.constr. h]gr hgrGr 218/7, Ir 35/2'? , RES 3943/3', UH Dar al-Sharif 6/1, YMN 10/7 ]hgr ʾhgr hgry ʾh]gr hgrʿAbadān 1/32, al-Ḥasanī 2017/3, al-Ḥasanī 2017/8, CIH 107/2, CIH 242/4, CIH 284/2, CIH 295/3, CIH 300/2, CIH 323/5', CIH 42/2, CIH 43/3, CIH 546/10, CIH 634/1, CIH 660 + CIH 587/A.4, DAI Barʾān 1990-2/2, DAI Ṣirwāḥ 2005-50/6, DAI Ṣirwāḥ 2005-50/7, Gl 1442/2, Gl 1655/19', Hakir 1/1, Hakir 1/6, Ir 32/27, Ir 32/33, Ir 35/4', YMN 16/3, Kh-Tannin 2/3, MAFRAY-ad-Dimn 1/5, MAFRAY-al-Ḥijla 1/2, Maṣnaʿat Māriya/5', Nāmī 23/2, RES 4188/6f., Ry 520/4, Wellcome A 103664/B.5', YMN 10/4, YMN 13/5, YMN 3/5, YMN 4/6 hgrMB 2004 I-126/17, CIH 340/5, Ir 70/15, M.A. Thabit 10 MB/25, MS Dār aš-Šarīf 1/3, RES 3945/16, RES 4198/2 h[gr h]grCIH 340/3, CIH 926/4? , Ghul-YU 102/3' [hg]r ʾhgrDAI Ṣirwāḥ 2005-50/4, RES 3945/3, RES 3945/4, RES 3945/5, RES 3945/6, RES 3945/8, RES 3945/9, RES 3945/11, RES 3945/14, RES 3945/15, RES 3946/2, RES 3946/8
sg. hgr[nIr 13/20', Ir 13/25', Ja 576+577, b/9, NAM 2360/4
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