Suchergebnis für šhr m
- (erster Tag eines Monats)
- Stein 2010, 731
- (jour) initial
- Robin 2018, 662
- beginning of month
- SD, 132; SD, 132
- début du mois
- SD français, 132
- en public
- Jamme 1971, 45
- erster Tag
- Stein 2010, 143; Stein/Weninger 2024, 92; Nebes 2002, 125
- erster Tag (des Monats)
- Stein 2010, 292
- first (day) of the month
- Stein/Rijziger 2021, 331
- first day
- Agostini 2023, 143 Bsp. 10
- literally 'new moon'; a synonym for the first day of the calendar-month
- Beeston 1956a, 8
- Monat
- Jändl 2009, 90
- Monatsanfang
- Stein 2003, 118 mit Fn. 541
- Monatserster
- Stein 2015a, 86
- Mond
- Grimme 1932a, 230
- Neumond
- Maraqten 2014d, 84; Stein 2023, 480
- Neumond, Anfang des Monats
- Maraqten 2014d, 399
- new crescent
- de Blois 1998, 17
- new moon
- Jamme 1962, 448; Biella 1982, 512; Stein 2013a, 154
- nouvelle lune
- Ryckmans 1966, 490
- novilunio
- Agostini 2021c, 165
- novilunium, first day of the month
Pirenne 1991 160
Maraqten 2014d 202
first day
Beeston 1971a 13; CSAI 270; Mazzini 2020 392
first day of the month
Mazzini 2020 143
luna nova, novilunium
Conti Rossini 1931 247
Rhodokanakis 1919 9
new crescent
Agostini 2020 9
new moon, first day of the month
Ricks 1989 165
Maraqten 2014d 202
début du mois
Arbach 1993 86
Agostini 2021c 164
Bron 1998 39
Agostini 2020 9; Beeston 1978a 143
Neumond; erster Tag eines Monats
Stein 2023 488
öffentliche Beistellung
Rhodokanakis 1917 56
bʿlt šhrn 'Baʿlat Šahrān'
Maraqten 1996 92
bʿlt šhrn 'die Priesterin des (Tempels) Šahrān'
Nebes 2002b 229
bʿlt šhrn 'seems to be a divine name'
Maraqten 1996 91
début de mois
Frantsouzoff 2003 55
Möndchen (Amulett)
Maraqten 2014d 202
Moreover, the word šhrn in our amulet could be interpreted in conjunction with the Midianite amulets mentioned in the Old Testament. These amulets are called śaharōn (...) which means literally 'little moon or crescent'. (...) These crescent-amulets must be the same as those found in archaeological sites in Arabia and Palestine. This suggests the possibility that the term šhrn could have the meaning of the object itself, but such a meaning is not attested in South Arabian inscriptions.
Maraqten 1996 91 - 92
ATHS 11/3, ATHS 91/3, CIH 83/3f., DAI Ṣirwāḥ 2002-11/4, Ja 651/19, X.BSB 28/4 šh[r]mDAI Mārib Bayt ʿAlī 1/10, X.BSB 37/1.B š﹖hrm šhr[Belegstellen anzeigen/ verstecken
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